Fighting Stress WebQuest

Fighting Stress Meditation Video

Fighting Stress Movement Video

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week 2

So far, I have taught three lessons. I am loving it! I have the best group of students. I am teaching about explorers and want to go in chronological order. I have done activities in the classroom for the first two and have reserved the computer lab for a WebQuest about Ferdinand Magellan. I think I am going to have the students make a PowerPoint presentation about one of the explorers for a final assessment. There isn't very much technology here, and so I can really only use the computer lab. I had a really hard time finding an open time to use the lab, too.
The other night I used my digital camera's macro shot to take pictures of primary sources about Cortes. The students thought they were pretty awesome. I am having fun and can't believe two weeks have already gone by.

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My Thanksgiving Digital Story

Sample Digital Storytelling

Take a look at this student's story. Notice how he introduced the story, used his voice, and incorporated pictures.

October Calendar

America's Independence

Watch this fun movie. Can you see why the people first came to America? What are some events that caused the people to be angry with their king? Be prepared to talk about why the people wanted to be independent from Britain.