Fighting Stress WebQuest

Fighting Stress Meditation Video

Fighting Stress Movement Video

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week 3

Field is already over! I can't believe it has gone by so fast. So my technology lessons totally flopped. First of all, my school is virtually void of technology. I had a really hard time finding a time to go to one of the two computer labs that worked with my and the students' schedules. I had to take work off and come in earlier than usual. When I got there, my teacher let me know that the whole system crashed that morning and wouldn't be up for a couple days. This was the beginning of the week. I did my lesson without the computers and rescheduled a time for the computer lab, hoping the system would be fixed. I planned my lesson for a PowerPoint and came in early again. However, the system was still down and stayed that way for the rest of my experience. I racked my brain trying to find other ways I could incorporate technology. The only other technology my school had available were overhead projectors. Hopefully this'll be ok. I had the lessons all planned out and they would have worked wonderfully if the technology hadn't have been so stupid! I guess I should have scheduled a lesson earlier and forgot about chronological order, there was just no way to foresee this happening. Oh well!

Week 2

So far, I have taught three lessons. I am loving it! I have the best group of students. I am teaching about explorers and want to go in chronological order. I have done activities in the classroom for the first two and have reserved the computer lab for a WebQuest about Ferdinand Magellan. I think I am going to have the students make a PowerPoint presentation about one of the explorers for a final assessment. There isn't very much technology here, and so I can really only use the computer lab. I had a really hard time finding an open time to use the lab, too.
The other night I used my digital camera's macro shot to take pictures of primary sources about Cortes. The students thought they were pretty awesome. I am having fun and can't believe two weeks have already gone by.

Week 1

Today was the first day in my classroom. I noticed right away there is absolutely no technology in the room! There is one computer for the teacher and CD Player, that's it. This afternoon I mainly worked with reading students. It was a good way to get to know most of the students and see where they are as far as reading goes.
My first impression of the students was that they know exactly what the teacher expects. They almost seem afraid to misbehave. The teacher isn't too involved and only helps when necessary. He seems really intimidating, but is also fairly easy to work with. I am a little nervous to teach this group, but now that I have met the students, I can't wait to get to know them!

My Thanksgiving Digital Story

Sample Digital Storytelling

Take a look at this student's story. Notice how he introduced the story, used his voice, and incorporated pictures.

October Calendar

America's Independence

Watch this fun movie. Can you see why the people first came to America? What are some events that caused the people to be angry with their king? Be prepared to talk about why the people wanted to be independent from Britain.