Fighting Stress WebQuest

Fighting Stress Meditation Video

Fighting Stress Movement Video

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Web Quests

WebQuests provide the opportunity for students to engage in an authentic activity using the World Wide Web. Throughout the use of WebQuests, students are able to engage themselves in real-life situations in their communities. Students use the Internet to solve a problem and come up with a way to incorporate the problem and solution in ther lives. The use of this project provides the opportunity for students to complete assignements that are out of the ordinary.

To have my students learn more about what a Web Quest is, I would have them explore the following cites.

I created a WebQuest about stress management. I would have my students use this to learn how to manage stress. When we think about stress, we commonly view it as an adult problem and concept. We do not take the time to realize that children are also faced with stress daily. Completing my WebQuest would allow students to find appropriate ways to relieve that stress. My WebQuest was designed in mind to take place at the end of a unit and would be long term. The completion of my Quest would take several days. I will use this in the future and definitely believe my students will enjoy completing the entire assignment and task.

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